The fuel gas vacuum hot water boiler works by utilizing the characteristics that the water has different boiling temperatures under different pressures. At one atmosphere, the boiling temperature of the water is 100 ° C, and the vacuum hot water unit is operated within a pressure range of -0.02 MPa or less, and the corresponding heat medium water temperature is lower than 93 ° C, working in the vacuum hot water unit. Under pressure, the combustion raises the temperature of the heat medium water to a saturation temperature and produces steam of the same temperature on the water surface.
1. The main control parameters of the vacuum hot water boiler are rated thermal power, boiler design thermal efficiency, high water temperature, fuel type and so on.
2. The thermal efficiency of the selected product design shall not be lower than the lower limit specified in the General Technical Conditions for Industrial Boilers (JB/T10094-2002) and the relevant values for the relevant energy conservation standards.
3. Boiler pollutant discharge concentration should meet the requirements of GB13271-2001 “Boiler Air Pollutant Emission Standard”.
4. The water supply temperature of general vacuum hot water boiler is not higher than 80 °C, suitable for low temperature hot water heating.
5. For boiler rooms located in high-rise or multi-storey buildings, the heat power of a single hot water boiler shall not exceed 7 MW, and the rated outlet hot water temperature shall not exceed 95 °C. At the same time, the local safety supervision agency and the fire department should obtain the approval of the local authorities.
6. When selecting a boiler, the manufacturer should be required to provide water resistance characteristics. It is advisable to use a product with a nominal flow rate of water passing through the boiler with a water resistance of ≤0.08 MPa.